Is Connect a part of Home Base?

It's up to you! Connect can be used in parallel with Home Base, depending on your agency's and families' needs.

The decision to integrate Connect into your Home Base experience is entirely up to you and your agency's needs!

You have the flexibility to choose whether you want families to have access to the services available in Connect. Some providers exclusively use Home Base, while others opt for a combination of Home Base and Connect. Both platforms can be private-labeled with your agency's logo, allowing you to provide online profiles, profile books, and access to the entire network of families under your agency's brand and guidance.

Connect presents an opportunity for a family to expand their outreach efforts with an online profile and profile book, while still relying on your professional guidance! This allows you to support more families with outeach and matching support when there may not be room in your Domestic Matching Program.
The advantages are pretty great:
  • Puts families that want to work with you on a “reserve list" for you, while still giving them a chance to connect.
  • You’d be able to access a larger set of families when working with an expectant mom.
  • If they connect with an expectant mom on PairTree Connect while in the Foundation Program, they’d use you for placement.

Want to know more? Schedule a call with us or send us an email.