What is Connect Pro?

Connect Pro is a revolutionary platform that serves as a central hub for licensed adoption professionals.

For the first time in the history of domestic adoption, Connect Pro provides access to a centralized database of adoption professionals and adopting families nationwide.

Connect Pro creates connections between adoption professionals, adopting families, and expectant mothers, to revolutionize the private adoption landscape (and get rid of bad actors).

Why should an Adoption Agency or an Attorney use Connect Pro?

Connected Journeys

Once a licensed adoption professional (you!) brings a new family into the fold, they can simply invite them via their Connect Pro dashboard, and we facilitate the rest!

With your guidance and visibility, your family uses Connect to build their outreach plan - crafting their online profile, creating their profile video, and optionally creating a unique profile book. The family will show up in your dashboard, giving you visibility into their journey the entire time.

Expanded Adoption Outreach for Families

Connect Pro allows a family's outreach to be customized to their desired level of public visibility. When a family has a profile on Connect Pro, they are available to all the licensed professionals in our network, and their profiles can be made public or private.

Public profiles can be found on PairTreeFamily.com, and with a few clicks, they can be added to your site as well! Private profiles are available only to licensed adoption professionals via Connect Pro and can be added to your website.

Filter & Find Families

With Connect Pro, you can instantly filter and find home study-approved families from your state and beyond. Use our 10+ filters to find families that meet specific criteria including openness to prenatal exposure, and special needs. 

Scam Protection

Connect Pro prioritizes the safety and security of all users through the implementation of stringent safety measures:
  • Safe Connection Filters: Our advanced filters monitor platform behavior, flagging any suspicious activity and notifying both professionals and families promptly.
  • Safety Center (Scam Database): Exclusively available to licensed adoption professionals, this first-of-its-kind database identifies known and suspected individuals involved in potential scams, enhancing overall safety and trust within the community.

Learn more about Connect Pro

Pro NetworkJoin the Network 

Licensed adoption professionals from across the Nation use Connect Pro to connect with families (or you, on behalf of your families) – expanding opportunities for your families to connect with expectant and birth mothers. Create your Connect Pro account today!