How do I invite and connect adopting families to my Connect Pro Dashboard?

Connect Pro enables visibility into your adopting families' adoption journeys. Here's how to connect their profiles to your Connect Pro Dashboard.

How to Invite New Families

To invite families to Connect Pro, simply utilize the “Invite”  button on your dashboard.

The family will receive an email inviting them to join you on PairTree. When they accept the invite and create their Connect account, your 20% off promo code will automatically be applied to their account. This allows you to expand your network and enhance your pool of potential matches seamlessly.

How to Connect Existing Families 

If you have a family that isn't appearing in your dashboard, there are two ways to connect them:

  1. Account Linking Magic: Families can connect you to their account directly by logging in and initiating the connection. Once linked, the family will seamlessly appear in your dashboard. Learn more about Account Linking Magic.
  2. PairTree Assistance: If you encounter any difficulties, reach out to PairTree, and we'll assist you in connecting the family to your account promptly.

Have questions or need assistance? Contact us at

Boost Choice for MOMsBonus for Connect Pro Professionals!

Any families you invite to PairTree will receive 20% off Connect fees, offering them valuable savings throughout the adoption process.

Contact us for more details.